Staff volunteering at a farmed animal sanctuary, Moo to Ewe

World Day for Farmed Animals

When it comes to better treatment and welfare of farm animals, the issue is mostly neglected because farm animals are considered to be products. It is time to rethink farming. Humane animal farming is better for everyone. Animals live longer, healthier, and more active lives.

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A girl smiling at the camera, at night, with decorative features and overlaying animal faces

What do farmed animals deserve? The answer is --- "Good Lives"


World Day for Farmed Animals


When it comes to better treatment and welfare of farm animals, the issue is mostly neglected because farm animals are considered to be products. In India, around 50 million cows and buffaloes are farmed for their milk – more than in any other nation in the world. And many suffer in substandard conditions. 


Approximately 40 billion chickens are suffering every day globally. Chickens are the most abused animal in the world and are suffering horrors due to intensive farming.


Thousands of animals are tortured for food in the farming industry. The majority of our consumption, be it meat, dairy, and eggs come from animals like cows, chickens, goats and other immunologically- compromised animals which are confined to cramped, unhygienic conditions and transported long distances without proper handling and care.


Several animal welfare organizations across India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, China and Philippines are coming together to raise their voice for these voiceless farm animals.


As World Animal Protection is continuously working for the welfare of farm animals in India, it is joining this movement across Asia on the occasion of World Day for Farmed Animals.


The time has come to improve the lives of farm animals and to move the world to protect farm animals.


Watch the video to learn that farmed animals need good lives

A collage of different farm animals and a smiling young girl

Learn More About Our Farming Work

Change for Chickens

Chickens are the most abused animals in the world and billions of them are suffering daily. They deserve better. You might ask – ‘why should I care about the suffering of chickens?’. The straight answer is – you should.

The Better Dairy Campaign

Cows and buffaloes deserve a better life. We can make it happen. An estimated 50 million dairy animals suffer every day in India and a significant number of these suffer the worst cruelty as they live in unacceptable conditions in these urban and peri-urban dairies.

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Highlights of the event across Asia


Our team in India influenced organisations such as Animal Equality India and Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW) to participate in the campaign and conducted various interactive activities with the themes: ‘Do one thing for farmed animals’ and ‘Humans of farm animal welfare’.


Demanded chicken high welfare: We advocated for change and achieved our target of 10,000 signups. Chickens are the most abused animal in the world with approximately 60 billion chickens confined to cramped, unhygienic conditions and transported long distances without proper handling and care. If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still time to do so.


Facebook profile frames: We encouraged people to show support for farmed animals by using the Facebook profile frame.


Hosted an interactive farm animal quiz (Chicquiz): Over 100 participants got knowledge of characters and conditions of farm animals. It shows that people are aware about the conditions of farm animals but not the natural behaviour of these animals.


Held a caption the image contest: We reached more than 3,000 people.


Humans of farm animal welfare:  Heartfelt stories of humans who have done some incredible work for farm animals were shared and people were given an opportunity to share their experiences.


A webinar conducted by STRAW: Young children were made aware about chicken welfare by listening to a story around the five freedoms of animal welfare. They were engaged in an interactive way, learning fun facts and participating in games on farm animals. The children even helped deliver birthday cards from different farm animals to Kurkuri Chicken. Animal Equality India also participated in the event and supported us in the movement.


Change for chickens’ video: We released a video, featuring the different languages of India, talking about the cruel conditions faced by chickens in factory farms and how we are speaking up for better welfare. It received immense love not just from supporters but other organisations as well. The video reached more than 25,000 people.


Our campaign was covered by media houses, including the Business StandardLatest LYYahoo Finance and YKA, and received 46 media hits.

Every animal deserves a life worth living and through this event, we have tried to move the attention of people towards farm animals which have been neglected for so long. Let’s make a difference in the lives of farmed animals!

Chickens not products


A world where chickens are treated like animals and not products is possible.

Our Supporters

As part of our global strategy, by 2020 we will transform the lives of at least 1 billion animals on the farm.