World Animal Protection highlight importance of animal welfare at 43rd Indian Dairy Conference
This month, World Animal Protection called on India’s dairy industry to continue to make positive change to protect dairy animals at the 43rd Indian Dairy Conference.
nvited to speak by the Indian Dairy Association, we addressed a key audience of dairy farmers, milk producers and those involved in the dairy business: encouraging them to use the dairy codes of standards and improve the health and welfare of animals.
The dairy community welcomed the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of improving the wellbeing of dairy animals - a move that will also help to increase productivity and profitability.
As a result, many participants are now seeking our support to help them adopt and promote good welfare practices in line with the dairy codes – a move that will help to improve the living conditions of dairy animals.
The Director of National Dairy Research Institute, Dr. AK Srivastava, addressing the audience, encouraged everyone to read the dairy codes and speak with World Animal Protection to seek advice on implementing them.
“Animal welfare is an important aspect of dairy animal management and everyone should consider it in their dairy operations,” said Dr. Srivastava.
We are helping the dairy industry to help their animals. So more animals in India experience a better quality of life, which in turn can help them live longer and produce more milk.
You can help us to achieve this by promoting animal friendly practices, and spreading the word about the importance of the India dairy code of standards.
To purchase a copy or request a soft copy of the India Dairy code of standards, write to Khushboo Gupta.