A long road to recovery for the animals and people of Nepal
With your support, we can reach more animals, to help them survive and thrive, in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake.
In the aftershock of the multiple Nepal earthquakes, people are gathering their animals, are trying to rebuild their lives among the debris and rubble.
Now, local people are facing their next big challenge: keeping their surviving animals and livestock healthy and alive, so they can move on, and rebuild their lives and livelihoods.
As in India, people in Nepal share a very strong bond with their animals. Many animals are cared for, protected and reared as part of people’s families.
The survival of people and animals are strongly linked - people desperately need their animals in order to survive and to rebuild their lives.
But, the impact on animals and livestock in Nepal has been devastating.
Cattle and buffalo that survived the disaster, are now at serious risk of disease and malnutrition. Many pregnant animals will struggle to deliver healthy calves, as there is not enough food for them, let alone to feed their young.
Animal cannot tell us, but they are suffering too.
With the initial, devastating stage of the disaster now passed, our focus turns to the longer term needs and issues threatening the health of animals, and the recovery of people, in Nepal.
Our team is continuing to work in Nepal to help the animals that have survived, but are still very much at risk.
Our job now is to protect animals suffering from lack of access to clean water and food, and increased risk of disease, to help them survive and recover.
We still need urgent support to save animals, and protect the livelihoods of local people and communities.