
It’s time to end human rabies and protect more dogs


Worldwide experts are agreeing that mass dog vaccination is the only way to eliminate rabies - and this humane solution to protect dogs and people should be a priority for us all.

Coming together in Geneva in December: the World Health Organisation (WHO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), officially announced their vision to stop the spread of rabies from dogs to people by 2030 - using humane solutions pioneered by World Animal Protection.

The conference, also supported by our partner the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC), represents a big step forward in the global protection of dogs from rabies, and ending cruel culling programmes; helping to save thousands of dogs.

With 95% of human rabies cases being transmitted by dog bites. To eliminate human rabies, the focus must be on humanely eliminating rabies in dogs.

Our Better Lives for Dogs campaign, is helping to prove the mass killing of dogs does not stop rabies, but vaccination, responsible ownership, and proper care of dogs does.

With your support, across the world we are helping to eliminate the fear of rabies, helping dogs and people live together in harmony.

We continue to work with experts, national governments and local organisations to send a clear message that no rabies intervention that includes dog culling will ever work, and mass vaccination, and dog population management, is the only way forward to stamp out rabies for good.

Read how together we can create better lives for millions of dogs around the world.

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