Don’t Forget Stray Animals on National Pet Day
As the COVID-19 caused lockdown continues, World Animal Protection is running an awareness drive asking people to care for stray animals.
New Delhi (11th April, 2020) – Today is National Pet Day and it is celebrated by many in different countries. International animal welfare charity, World Animal Protection is running an awareness drive and asking people to care for stray animals during the COVID-19 caused lockdown.
Pets give us unconditional love
In an address to the nation, the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi said – “Everyone must care for all the animals around them. Due to the lockdown several stray animals are facing a crisis because they will not get food. I appeal to the people of this country to take care of all the animals around them.” It is true that pets give us unconditional love and care. They become family members and during this time of crisis, a National Pet Day is a unique opportunity to dedicate a day to your pet.
Don't forget the stray animals
As many countries/people in the world celebrate National Pet Day today, we must not forget those animals that do not have a home and are struggling everyday to survive.Gajender K Sharma, Country Director, World Animal Protection, India said: “The COVID-19 crisis has brought the world to a halt. But we must realise that animals around us are also feeling the affects of the lockdown. There is no evidence till now to suggest that your pets or stray animals are the cause of the Coronavirus and can transmit the infection to humans.”
“World Animal Protection has created a list of Do’s and Don’ts that everyone can easily follow as they observe social distancing and are at home due to the lockdown. Let’s not forget stray animals in this crisis. They need us.”
Dont forget the voiceless animals
Clouds of COVID-19 has spread over entire world absorbing more and more brightness each day leaving us with dullness and growing darkness. However, not everything is swallowed up yet by COVID-19, we can see examples of government asking people to make clap for appreciation and light a candle to appreciate those who are working and also us coming together during this crisis.
This is a chance for everyone to become a champion of change. Come forward and help the stray animals in your locality. #DontForgetThem.
Gajender K Sharma, Country Director, World Animal Protection, India said: “The COVID-19 crisis has brought the world to a halt. But we must realise that animals around us are also feeling the affects of the lockdown. There is no evidence till now to suggest that your pets or stray animals are the cause of the Coronavirus and can transmit the infection to humans.