Dairy Products are not necessary for strong bones. Roshni Sanghvi - a plant-based nutritionist shares her journey of a plant-based diet. She explains the negative impacts of consuming dairy products. Read her inspiring story and the scientific reasons to Ditch Dairy.
The story of Roshni Sanghvi
I decided to switch towards a plant-based diet around 24 when I accidentally came across an interesting book called The China Study. This book explains the biggest study on nutritional science ever done on the human population. The book talks about the impacts of dairy and meat on our bodies.
Roshni Sanghvi believes in exercising and consuming a plant-based diet
It's time to DITCH DAIRY
A plant-based diet is one step ahead of a vegetarian diet and excludes anything from animals. This means having to stay away from dairy milk, dairy products like Ghee, paneer, butter, cheese, honey, eggs, and animal meat. Being raised in India, I was always taught that dairy is necessary for strong bones. Mom made sure we drank our glass of milk before going to school every day, and dahi and Ghee was a staple with our meals. Thus, I was shocked to read about the negative impacts of dairy on our health. Every part of me did not want to believe the science I was reading. But the more scientific research papers I explored, the more I understood how dairy was very closely linked with diabetes, cancer, PCOS, thyroid, hypertension and even heart diseases.
Dairy is not the source of calcium
Dairy is not the best source of calcium either, contrary to what we are taught. Countries with the highest dairy consumption also tend to have the highest hip fractures and osteoporosis rates. In fact, but just dropping dairy and other animal products from the diet, people with osteoporosis experienced a drop in pain level within a few weeks. Dairy is inflammatory and linked closely to gut issues, acne, leaky gut and even brain degenerative diseases.
Dairy products are not a good source of calcium
The more I explored this topic, the more doctors, nutritionists and experts I came across who were reversing lifestyle diseases by just moving towards a plant-based diet. For me then, it became quite clear that I wanted to switch to a plant-based diet. In all honesty, more options opened up for me to explore food than I thought. Instead of dairy milk, I consumed almond, soy, walnut, oat, rice and hemp milk. I also started making small switches at home, such as fermenting cashew and rice milk curds instead of cow's milk curds. I switched to eating my phulka's without Ghee and replaced paneer with tofu.
A plant-based diet helps in losing body fat and improves digestive system
While working with clients who want to start on this journey, I help them take baby steps. Like, for instance, try ordering a plant-based item from the menu next time you are out. Almost every restaurant I have been to so far is more than glad to skip the Ghee tadka on my curries or minus the cheese from my pizza. It is honestly not very hard.
Plant-based diet transformed my body
Within a month of going on a plant-based diet, I lost body fat, improved my digestive health, experienced better hair and nail health (my hair fall reduced!) and experienced a boost in energy. My fitness routine remained intense, and I was deadlifting 100 kilos with ease. We are constantly brainwashed that we need dairy from proteins, but quite honestly, plants have more than enough proteins. Besides that, plant-based proteins are easier to digest and do not lead to inflammation. Thus, your body recovers faster, and you are ready to train harder. This is also the reason top athletes across the globe choose to go towards a plant-based diet, especially during their peak training season.
Plant-based proteins are better than animal-based proteins
So what are you waiting for? Sign the pledge to go towards a plant-based diet today.
Did you know countries with the highest dairy consumption also tend to have the highest hip fractures and osteoporosis rates?