Mounika Bindu Pogaku is a radiologist working in the northeast of English National Health Services (NHS), UK. On weekends, she volunteers for 'anonymous for voiceless' and works as a co-organiser for the Newcastle chapter. She has been a vegan for 5 years now. She says, " You just have to respect and value every life." Let's know more about her plant-based journey.
The Story of Mounika Bindu Pogaku
"I was born vegetarian but started eating meat as most of my friends were not vegetarians, which made me curious to explore what meat tastes like. Honestly, initially, I wouldn't say I liked the taste and texture of meat but eventually got used to its texture and started liking it (an acquired taste).
The turning point was when my dog 'courage' entered my life. I have understood how similar my dog and other animals are to humans; all they need is love, food and shelter, just like us. They can feel pain, pleasure, have a wide range of emotions just like us.
I didn't feel right to eat animals after experiencing so much love from my dog. Later on, I have adopted an Indian cat whose mother and siblings were brutally killed by colony kids, and they both are best friends now.
Mounika Bindu Pogaku with her pet
Honestly, it feels unnecessary to kill some living and sentient beings just for a sandwich, belt or bag. We have so many alternatives and options available now in the markets. It has never been this easy to go vegan and yet not miss anything at all. Even the harmful effects of meat on health and the environment are now widely known.
I moved to the UK one and a half years back and became vegan since I was living in Telangana, India. My shift to another country hasn't made any difference in my plant-based diet journey, and I will continue to follow this for myself and animals."
Mounika Bindu Pogaku and her love for animals
You can also do your part. Act Now!
Honestly, it feels unnecessary to kill some living and sentient beings just for a sandwich, belt or bag.