Chickens are only seen as food for consumption instead of a bird that wants to live a decent life. There is little empathy towards chickens, who are considered to be a product, meant only to be eaten and not as a sentient animal.
Do you wish to have a healthier lifestyle?
While the world is undergoing tremendous difficulties due to COVID-19, all hope is not lost. We are also seeing the Earth heal itself with rivers becoming clearer and the air cleaner. Seeing all this, are you also ready to revisit your food choices to heal yourself and have a healthier lifestyle? I am sure a lot of you might be missing your delicious spicy chicken from your favourite fast food outlets during this long lockdown. But, before we all jump back and resort to our normal lives, let’s see if we can make some wise choices for our health.
Consumer research conducted by World Animal Protection
In recent consumer research conducted by World Animal Protection we found that over the past few years, meat consumption in India has increased with 69%. The key reason for this increase is because 58% of people consider chicken as the best source of protein. They think eating chicken will help them stay healthy and also help maintain a fit body. Moreover, we cannot deny the disturbing and abhorrent reality that animal welfare and its understanding is limited to only wild animals and pets. It does not include farm animals. We must change that.
Chickens are only seen as food for consumption instead of a bird that wants to live a decent life. There is little empathy towards chickens, who are considered to be a product, meant only to be eaten and not as a sentient animal.
Do you really know what goes behind processing a chicken?
The real process where a chick becomes a chicken and is brought from the farm to your plate.
It is the process where day-old chicks are thrown and kicked, while the necks of grown chickens are snapped with insufficient welfare checks. Most of the industrial farms operate under low welfare conditions where a chicken has to suffer every second.
Researches show that people avoid watching this process because after looking at the cruelty to chickens during the slaughter process, they won't be able to eat it. Despite being incredibly sociable and having a complex hierarchy, chickens also appreciate alone time like us, they wish to have their off days in some peace and quiet area which is impossible under a loud shed of a low welfare industrial farms.
Why chickens suffer at factory farms?
Following are some key reasons how chickens suffer at these farms:
- Chickens are naturally inquisitive and they love to explore. But the space they get in factory farms is even smaller than the inside of your microwave oven. This lack of space leads to stress, lameness and skin lesions
- Traditionally chickens were reared for approximately 60-80 days to reach full weight for meat whereas now they are ‘grown’ in 40 days or less. This rapid growth leads to severe joint pains and can cause strain on their heart and lungs
- Chickens have strong instincts to perch and scratch whereas these low welfare industrial farms are more of barren sheds where chickens do not get to behave naturally. This lack of movement leads to problems in their legs and causes stress due to lack of enrichments
- A chicken's natural body clock is set by rising and setting of sun and just like they need minimum of six hours of continuous darkness to rest, they need exposure to natural light as well which millions of chickens do not get as they live in a closed shed throughout their short lives
- Chickens instinctively dust bathe, to maintain their feathers and control parasites but the poorly maintained litter on which they live in factory farms is either too dry or too wet. They end us sitting in their own faeces. This prevents chickens from their need to dust bathe and leads to painful skin conditions
How can these issues be resolved?
These key issues can be solved easily if the meat producers and the global fast food chains take up the responsibility of raising the chickens in better conditions which won't be just beneficial for the chicken's health but will protect humans from any bird related diseases as well. In our research, 50% of Indians showed concerns about the potential of illness or disease amongst chickens. However, 49% Indians trust the quality parameters of fast food chains and believe that if there is any issue, the restaurants will sort them out.
Global fast food chains have set standards that ensure better treatment of chickens in factory farms. But frustratingly, those standards are not implemented in India. Also, the video below will show you how badly these chickens are treated and killed who are completely deprived of performing natural behaviours while alive.
What does our audience research report say?
In our audience research we found out that 65% Indians were either frustrated or angry after finding out that global fast food chains are not implementing their chicken welfare standards in India.
This is something that needs a broader attention where you as consumers need to demand for high welfare chicken which you all deserve.So, once the lockdown is lifted and you are out with your friends or family at your favourite fast food outlet, be informed that your favourite restaurant is providing a healthier and hygienic chicken in other countries but not in India.
Do not compromise on health
It’s time to think and question why you are not getting the same quality when you are ready to pay for it. Do not compromise on your health. Always remember, a healthier and happier chicken will ensure a healthier and happier you.
Researches show that people avoid watching the process when chickens are being slaughtered because after looking at the cruelty to chickens during the slaughter process, they won't be able to eat it.